Self-hypnosis for self-improvement

Self-hypnosis is one of the most useful skills you can learn.

Learning self-hypnosis takes six weeks, with one hour-long training session per week. Each week you’ll become more and more familiar with the experience and benefits of accessing your subconscious mind.

We consciously use only about 10% of our brain (and that’s a conservative figure). The other 90% can only be accessed through our subconscious mind.

When you learn self-hypnosis, you literally learn to harness the unused part of your mind. The clearer you become about where you want to direct that extra focus, the more your subconscious can do for you.

People have used self-hypnosis to raise their confidence levels or to improve their skills (like for instance developing a better golf swing or improving their performance in any other sport or skill which takes practice). They have used it to deal with shyness or any other behaviour or limitation in the their psyche, attracting more of what they want into their lives.

Self-hypnosis can also be used to develop deep relaxation and to manage stress. It can be used to make you better at whatever you want to improve.

If we were consciously aware all the time of every minute detail of everything we experienced, we would quickly have a total mind/experience overload.

Yet our minds take in everything we see, hear and feel, storing it all. At any one time, we’re only conscious of what captures our interest, which is why one person can be so much more observant than another in the same circumstances.

All that information which we don’t immediately need to be aware of has been buried in the unconscious part of our minds. Normally we can’t access that ‘hidden’ 90% with our conscious minds.

Hypnosis allows us to have that access. When we learn and practice self-hypnosis we get used to going into a state of mind where we can use the huge untapped resource that is our subconscious to help us achieve whatever we set out to achieve.

The conscious mind is the part of the mind which we use to solve the problems we encounter each day. It’s logical and rational and it’s also the part of our mind we use to decide what to focus on and how to go about achieving it – whether that’s a goal to win the Olympics, to tidy the garden shed, to learn a skill, to acquire knowledge, to master a habit or to come to terms with a loss or a difficulty.

You use the conscious part of your mind to decide to do a thing and you then do the actions you know will bring you success.

The subconscious part of your mind has different properties. It’s an archive where all the thoughts, feelings, memories and knowledge you don’t need to focus on right now or access immediately are stored. It’s also a mechanism which maintains all your habits, both learned and natural (by which I mean your skills and procedures, your coping strategies, your idiosyncrasies, your breathing and your heartbeat). And every automatic protective strategy that keeps you safe and well too, and the 90% or more of creative potential that you don’t yet use.

The way into your subconscious is via your imagination. You cannot access it without using your imagination, and the way to access your imagination is through hypnosis.

Once you master the skill of self-hypnosis and practice it until it becomes second nature to you, you can do some quite remarkable things:


A client of mine repeatedly increased his running speed until he had a habit of breaking his own personal best on a regular basis.


A teacher of mine visualised an army of soldiers destroying the cancer cells in his body and literally won the battle.


Another of my teachers used self-hypnotic healing to clear his eye of a problem, astounding his physician who, when he examined it said, ‘I see no evidence of the issue, just a scar – what have you done since I last saw you?’


Children I’ve worked with have found missing objects.


Other clients of mine have used self-hypnosis effectively to prepare for interviews and to fortify themselves when needing strength or courage.

In today’s world, while we’re all confined to our homes, one of the things we can do to alleviate the boredom is learn a new skill. What better skill to learn than self-hypnosis? You can use it to keep you going while you follow a fitness guru online. You can even use it to deal with the very stress, frustration or boredom you may be experiencing right now!

Usually our self-hypnosis classes are held on Saturday mornings at 10:00 in our Basingstoke office. However, until things return to normal, I’ll be teaching online via Zoom, starting at 10:00 as usual. To join me, please email me here, for a meeting link.