Christine Green MABCH, MCA Hyp, GQHP, GHSC, GHR, CI, BGH

My clients call me astute and perceptive, and say I’m able to read people. They tell me that I know them better then they know themselves. They tell me that I’m unstoppably positive, and have unshakable belief in them. 

They tell me I’m irreplaceable. Sometimes I’m embarrassed at the things they say!

The truth is that I know my stuff, I listen to who people really are, and I really care. I’ve always wanted to find the hurting spot in people and make it right and, with a lifetime of practice, it’s very clear that I’m good at it.

Christine Green

When my clients bring their family members and friends to see me they say, “With Christine you’ll be in good hands”. I believe this is because my mind’s like a hi-spec computer, and all my trainings and growth experiences are like hugely sophisticated software. Like all those who’ve been to see me, when you come and see me, you’ll be able to use this software for your benefit too. And in all my dealings with you I’ll have kindness and heart.

Nigel Skinner

Nigel Skinner BSc, ACPT, UKRAH, DipHyp, NGH, CH

I’m caring and supportive yet analytical and able to get to the heart of complex issues, enabling you to maximise your success.

Having previously worked in the computer industry (where I had to integrate and synthesise a lot of information into an easily understandable form), I’m able to take a through, objective look at your whole situation and identify the key threads causing the issue. 

I help you to understand how many disparate minor issues can combine to create a more significant problem, and work together with you to resolve those issues, putting you back in control of your life.