With 35 years in the field of personal growth as a hypnotherapist, a teacher and a healer specialising in behavioural change, I understand the mind, I understand the subconscious mind, and I understand the impact that these things can have on everyday life. With this knowledge, I can help you solve problems.
When you’re unhappy (for whatever reason), and you can’t can’t see a way out, their’s always something you can uncover within yourself which will put you back in control of your situation, some way in which you can help yourself to feel better and move forward.
In life, there are times when we all hit a roadblock, and we temporarily can’t see a way forward. When this happens to you, I have the tools, the knowledge and the years of experience to help you.
Over the years, people have called me their Fairy Godmother, their angel, their shepherd, their magician. I really do have a gift for uplifting people’s spirits, and I can uplift yours too.
What my clients say:
“15 years after you helped me (as I looked back over the years), I noticed that there was a time when things changed for the better. I realised it was you who helped me turn the corner. Thank you so much.” – Shereen from London
“It’s years since you saw me, but I need your particular brand of compassionate listening. A situation has arisen where my whole family will need you. Are you still in business?” – Sarah from London
(Once I’d worked with her, she said, “Thank you for being there after so many years. I feel much calmer – it really helped.”)